Thursday, March 20, 2008

My Super Sweet Sixteen!!!

I'll be turning sixteen soon and I'm quite anxious about it. The reason? I'm having a huge birthday party with all my friends but I have no idea what we're going to be doing. Back in December I had mentioned to my mom about something that I thought would be cool to have for my party but she said "Oh, we already planned your party." What?!? So I've been waiting all this time to find out what it'll be. Luckily I got to pass out the invatations today, so I got a bit of a clue.

The top picture is a narwal (kind of my signature animal...weird right?) on a motorized scooter, my mom found the picture and I loved it! The second one she put on herself...perhaps a clue hmmm? Some sort of circus theme maybe? I guess I'll have to just wait and see!
ps: To find out more about my mom and her other skills go here.
psps: I just realized that's the first picture I've ever posted of myself! So yes, that is me.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy and have fun on your sweet birthday!!! The transition from childhood to adulthood is considered an important milestone in a young girl's life.