Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Have You Heard of My Religion?

I love religions. Each one is completely unique and beautiful. I've been fascinated by it since about forever and I just recently started to collect religious centered jewelry. I'm always on the look out for new pieces, so let me know if you have seen any neat pieces lately!

Saraswati Pendant (this one was hard to identify, I could be wrong)

Vintage Sunday School Bracelet With Ten Commandments

Buddha Pendant

Shiva Pendant

Tomorrow I leave for some grand camping in the woods with friends. I'm not really what you'd call a "nature fanatic", but I'm excited to go boating,snack on smores and play Uno till 1 AM. Not so much about the 2 minute showers, if I'm lucky. But I will totally be quoting the Brady Bunch (from the "A Camping We Will Go episode") And yes, I have memorized those episodes (it had 2 parts! Cause everyone knows that you can't explain that kind of plot line in just one measly 1/2 hour) Be back on Friday!


Golden Calf

Currently (Re)Watching: Arrested Development, the one where Will Arnett's puppet, Franklin, testifies at the fake trial. I swear I am in love with that man. Him and Andy Samberg are totally my top 2 in people to hang out with if stranded on desert island (yes, I actually do have a list).

ps: I set up an email account for this blog! It's goldenxcalf@live.com Feel free to email me tips,tricks,questions,comments or just to chat cupcakes (or anything else cool, of course!).


gabriellabellaaa said...

I love the jewelry, especially that Shiva pendant.
A little while ago I sort of went on this Buddhism binge, and found everything so interesting. Haha, eastern cultures in general are pretty exciting, I think.

meowi said...

I enjoy different religions as well[ for some reason i truely beleive they all have a connection to one another, but than again that's probally just me.

meliindaa. said...

i think thats really cool how youre open to all religions and you collect things from each one!!

Richel said...

I've had a lot of experience with religions. Both my parents are different religions, and my entire family are all different denominations of one religion or another. But I agree with you, each religion is wonderful.

Times of Glory said...

Wowwwww, I love the religion related jewellery! They are not only pretty but also mysterious! I love the bracelet in the photo, very special xx

Anonymous said...

wow thats a really interesting thing to collect, i love the charm bracelet

jess said...

i love that jewelry

Wendy said...

I am an atheist but the jewelry are really pretty.

thetinylittlegirl said...

love the buddha!!!

oh and i REALLY love arrested development. gob is the funniest dude in the world - and franklin is the best, i just heard "franklin, guess what" in my head while typing that.

yiqin; said...

I needd to learn how to make cupcakes! I think it is awesome you love religions. I think people need to be more like you, to b more open to stuffs & STOP THE HATE!!!

Sam said...

love all of the jewelry!
and as for thrift stores, i go to lost and found vintage, salvation army, and goodwill.

Lauren said...

very cool finds :)

Mary said...

HAHA I looove Arrested Developement "I just blue myself!" Maybe is my favourite of them..
I took Comparative Worl Religions this year and it was my favourite class, I love religious art because there's so much meaning in it!

meowi said...

yeah the movie was bad ass a must see

Sydney said...

i love him!

i haven't seen arrested development, but i hear it's good.